Sunday 8 November 2020

Any Age Can Develop Asthma


What are the symptoms of asthma and can it really be cured? 2019-05-07 13:44 Source: Xinhuanet shared Bronchial asthma (abbreviated as asthma) is a medical problem recognized in the world, and it is listed as one of the four chronic diseases by the World Health Organization. It is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, manifested as paroxysmal cough, chest tightness and difficulty breathing. If no anti-inflammatory measures are taken, it will cause bronchial obstruction or contracture, and may even be life-threatening due to breathing difficulties. People also have many misunderstandings about asthma, such as asthma can't exercise, asthma can't be cured... so are these claims true? Let us understand it scientifically by understanding asthma. What are the manifestations of asthma? To The main symptoms of asthma are repeated episodes of wheezing, shortness of breath, with or without chest tightness or coughing, often at night and in the morning, and often contact with allergens, cold air, physical irritation, chemical irritation, upper respiratory tract infection, exercise And so on. Several types of asthma that are easily missed and should also cause attention: One is cough variant asthma. Cough is the only or main symptom, and there are no typical asthma symptoms such as wheezing and shortness of breath; The second is chest tightness variant asthma, chest tightness is the only or main symptom, without wheezing, shortness of breath and other typical asthma symptoms; The third is occult asthma. There is no recurrent wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness or coughing, but there is long-term increased airway responsiveness. Any age can develop asthma, but there are more children than adults. Adult asthma cannot be cured, but it can be completely controlled through standardized treatment and management. As long as the onset of asthma is within 14 years of age, as long as early intervention and treatment, the cure rate can reach 95%. According to my country's "Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Childhood Asthma" to standardize management, most children can be relieved, but parents should not think that they will heal themselves when their children grow up. In this process, repeated asthma attacks and repeated inflammations will cause airway fibrous tissue proliferation, enlarged glands, and smooth muscle hypertrophy, resulting in changes in airway structure and decreased lung function. This damage is permanent, irreversible, and Seriously affect the child's growth and development, and even cause sudden death due to an asthma attack. To "Four Early" Principles for Controlling Asthma To Early detection: Early detection can take the initiative in asthma prevention and treatment. Asthma can occur at any age, but it is mostly infants and young children. According to a survey, 85% of children with asthma from 0 to 14 years of age-onset before the age of 5, and 75% of those with onset within 3 years of age, and most of them have wheezing symptoms within 1 year after birth. However, these asthma or wheezing diseases are often overlooked. Because they are not properly treated, they have recurring attacks and even continue to adults. Early diagnosis: Early diagnosis is a prerequisite for early treatment. If it is diagnosed in the early stage of asthma, it can greatly improve the effect of asthma prevention and treatment. Therefore, regardless of age, those who can rule out other wheezing diseases and meet the diagnostic criteria for asthma should be diagnosed early and treated in time. Early treatment: Early treatment after the diagnosis of asthma, especially inhaled hormone therapy is particularly important. For those with asthma duration ≤ 2 years, the curative effect of inhaled hormone therapy is significantly higher than the control rate of asthma duration ≥ 2 years. Early prevention: The principle of prevention and treatment of asthma is the same as that of other diseases. Combination of prevention and treatment and prevention first. It is best to prevent asthma attacks through various methods, such as improving the environment, improving allergies, and actively preventing and treating respiratory infections. How to prevent asthma attacks? First, follow the doctor's advice and use the medicine regularly. Second, prevent viral influenza and reduce incentives. Third, keep warm. Fatigue, cold, excessive stress, etc. will all lead to a decline in immune function and easily induce asthma attacks. Fourth, exercise is very important. Asthma patients are suitable for more sun exposure, through running, swimming and other exercises to improve the body's ability to respond to changes in the outside world and stabilize the condition. It is very dangerous for asthmatics to do strenuous exercise because strenuous exercise can cause shortness of breath, which can cause asthma attacks. If asthmatic patients want to exercise, they can choose more aerobic exercises such as swimming, which can also achieve the purpose of exercising and enhance their resistance

Monday 2 November 2020

What foods can't you eat for asthma?

What foods can't you eat for asthma?   Asthma has a great impact on the human body, not only physical pain but also psychological damage. Asthma patients also have many precautions and contraindications in their daily lives. Many people with asthma cannot eat as they please, and there are many foods to avoid to prevent their illness from getting worse. So what foods can asthma patients not eat? The following is a detailed introduction for everyone. The first is alcohol. Asthma patients should not drink, because after drinking, alcohol enters the bloodstream, which will speed up the heartbeat and reduce the respiratory function of the lungs. The lung ventilation function of bronchial asthma patients is inherently poor. After drinking alcohol, the symptoms of cough and asthma will become worse. . Followed by oil-bearing foods, represented by peanuts, cottonseed oil and sesame seeds. These foods contain high protein and are especially prone to allergic asthma when eaten raw. However, studies have shown that it is rarely induced after being processed and refined into oil products. Allergic symptoms, so people with asthma should avoid eating such foods raw.    Then there are poultry eggs, eggs, quail eggs, and duck eggs are also foods for asthma patients. The egg protein in the egg white is the main allergen that induces allergies, which can easily cause allergic reactions in patients with bronchial asthma. There is also seafood. Bronchial asthma attacks are mostly related to allergenic factors. Foods such as fish, shrimps and crabs are related to foods such as fish, shrimps and crabs. Some people with allergies can easily induce asthma if they eat such foods. Therefore, patients with bronchial asthma should not eat these types of foods. food. After    is cigarettes, patients with bronchial asthma should quit smoking, because smoking can easily cause bronchial wall spasm, increase secretions, damage mucosal epithelial cells, cause glandular hypertrophy, and aggravate the condition.    The above are foods that asthma cannot eat. Asthmatic patients should pay special attention to diet while actively preventing and treating diseases. Pay more attention to diet to avoid asthma attacks. 

This is more common and more serious respiratory disease. Bronchial asthma has a high frequency of attacks, which is closely related to the living environment and genetic factors. Then, what clinical symptoms will bronchial asthma show, and how to treat this disease, let’s give us a detailed introduction by Huang Chenghua, the chief physician of Zhaoqing First People’s Hospital. What is the manifestation of bronchial asthma? What is the manifestation of bronchial asthma is different in each patient. And the cause of the disease is different, and the clinical manifestations are also different. The typical clinical manifestations of the disease are sudden onset of chest tightness, shortness of breath, and wheezing, accompanied by severe cough and sputum expectoration. Some patients may also have symptoms such as the pale face, dry lips, and changes in respiratory rate. Patients with bronchial asthma may have cold sweats all over the body and need to go to the hospital immediately for oxygen inhalation, aerosol inhalation, and topical bronchial dilators to relieve their symptoms. What should I do if I have bronchial asthma? If you have bronchial asthma, you need to adhere to long-term standardized treatment, which can control your symptoms and reduce the number of acute attacks of asthma. Long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs is the basis for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Aerosol inhalation of corticosteroids or oral anti-inflammatory drugs can promote the alleviation of the disease. If symptoms such as shortness of breath or wheezing occur, it is considered that bronchial smooth muscle spasm is caused, and the patient needs to use β2 receptor blockers to relieve symptoms. Dr Huang Chenghua gave us a detailed introduction to the common manifestations and coping styles of bronchial asthma. Patients with bronchial asthma, as well as patients with chronic bronchitis, can learn more. Based on the current research, bronchial asthma is considered to be related to allergies, which is a pathological change induced by excessive excitement of immune rejection. Therefore, in the treatment and prevention of this disease, we must proceed from the perspective of anti-allergic. If you want to prevent this disease, you first need to avoid allergens and other factors that induce acute asthma attacks.

Sunday 1 November 2020

Can Asthma be cured?


What are the symptoms of asthma and can it really be cured? 2019-05-07  Source: Xinhuanet shared Bronchial asthma (abbreviated as asthma) is a recognized medical problem in the world, and it is listed as one of the four chronic diseases by the World Health Organization. It is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, manifested by paroxysmal cough, chest tightness and difficulty breathing. If no anti-inflammatory measures are taken, it will cause bronchial obstruction or contracture, and may even be life-threatening due to breathing difficulties. People also have many misunderstandings about asthma, such as asthma can't exercise, asthma can't be cured... so are these claims true? Let us understand it scientifically by understanding asthma. What are the manifestations of asthma? To The main symptoms of asthma are repeated episodes of wheezing, shortness of breath, with or without chest tightness or coughing, often at night and in the morning,  contact with allergens, cold air, physical irritation, chemical irritation, upper respiratory tract infection, exercise And so on. There are also several types of asthma are easily missed and should also cause attention: One is cough variant asthma. Cough is the only or main symptom, and there are no typical asthma symptoms such as wheezing and shortness of breath; The second is chest tightness variant asthma, chest tightness is the only or main symptom, without wheezing, shortness of breath and other typical asthma symptoms; The third is insidious asthma, without recurrent wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness or coughing, but long-term increased airway responsiveness. Any age can develop asthma, but there are more children than adults. Adult asthma cannot be cured, but it can be completely controlled through standardized treatment and management; as long as the onset of asthma occurs within 14 years of age, as long as early intervention and treatment, the cure rate can reach 95%. According to my country's "Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Childhood Asthma" to standardize management, most children can be relieved, but parents should not think that they will heal themselves when their children grow up. In this process, repeated asthma attacks and repeated inflammations will cause airway fibrous tissue proliferation, enlarged glands, and smooth muscle hypertrophy, resulting in changes in airway structure and decreased lung function. This damage is permanent and irreversible. Seriously affect the child's growth and development, and even cause sudden death due to an asthma attack. To "Four Early" Principles for Controlling Asthma To Early detection: Early detection can take the initiative in asthma prevention and treatment. Asthma can occur at any age, but it is more common in infants and young children. According to a survey, 85% of children with asthma from 0 to 14 years of age-onset before the age of 5, and 75% of those with onset within 3 years of age, and most of them have wheezing symptoms within 1 year after birth. However, asthma or wheezing diseases are often overlooked. Because they are not properly treated, they have recurring attacks and even continue to adults. Early diagnosis: Early diagnosis is a prerequisite for early treatment. If the diagnosis is made in the early stage of asthma, the effect of asthma prevention and treatment can be greatly improved. Therefore, regardless of age, those who can rule out other wheezing diseases and meet the diagnostic criteria for asthma should be diagnosed early and treated in time. Early treatment: Early treatment after a diagnosis of asthma, especially inhaled hormone therapy is particularly important. For those with asthma duration ≤ 2 years, the curative effect of inhaled hormone therapy is significantly higher than the control rate of asthma duration ≥ 2 years. Early prevention: The principle of prevention and treatment of asthma is the same as that of other diseases. Combination of prevention and treatment and prevention first. It is best to prevent asthma attacks through various methods, such as improving the environment, improving allergies, and actively preventing and treating respiratory infections. How to prevent asthma attacks? First, follow the doctor's prescription and use the medicine regularly. Second, prevent viral influenza and reduce incentives. Third, keep warm. Fatigue, cold, excessive stress, etc. will all lead to a decline in immune function and easily induce asthma attacks. Fourth, exercise is very important. Asthma patients are suitable for more sun exposure, through running, swimming and other exercises to improve the body's ability to respond to changes in the outside world and stabilize the condition. It is very dangerous for asthmatics to do strenuous exercise because strenuous exercise can cause shortness of breath, which can cause asthma attacks. If asthmatic patients want to exercise, they can choose more aerobic exercises such as swimming, which can also achieve the purpose of exercising and enhance their resistance

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Asthma Need More Oxygen?

Bronchial Asthma Disease site chest Common symptoms Difficulty breathing, chest tightness, cough, cyanosis, etc. Check item Routine blood examination, sputum examination, respiratory function examination, blood gas analysis, chest X-ray examination, detection of specific allergens, etc. English name asthma Main cause Genetics, allergens, external factors table of Contents 1 cause of symptoms 2 diagnosis 3 Differential diagnosis 4 check 5 treatment 6 clinical manifestations 7 preventive measures 8 daily care Causes of folding symptoms (1) Genetic factors Asthma is related to polygenic inheritance. The prevalence of relatives of asthma patients is higher than the group prevalence, and the closer the relationship, the higher the prevalence; the more severe the patient’s condition, the higher the prevalence of their relatives. (2) Allergen 1. Indoor and outdoor allergens: Dust mites are the most common and most harmful indoor allergens, and they are also an important cause of asthma worldwide. Dust mites are found in secretions such as fur, saliva, urine and faeces. The fungus is also one of the allergens existing in indoor air, especially in dark, humid and poorly ventilated places. Pollen is the most common outdoor allergen that causes asthma attacks. 2. Occupational allergens: common allergens include grain flour, flour, wood, feed, tea, coffee beans, silkworms, pigeons, mushrooms, antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins), rosin, reactive dyes, persulfuric acid Salt, ethylenediamine, etc. 3. Drugs: Aspirin, propranolol (Propranolol) and some non-corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs are the main allergens of asthma caused by drugs. (3) Inducing factors Common predisposing factors include air pollution, smoking, respiratory virus infection, pregnancy, strenuous exercise, and climate change; a variety of non-specific stimuli, such as inhalation of cold air and distilled water droplets, can induce asthma. In addition, mental and psychological factors can also induce asthma. Folding diagnosis 1. For patients with typical symptoms and signs, a clinical diagnosis can be made after wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and cough caused by other diseases are excluded. 2. For atypical cases, bronchodilation or provocation test should be done, and the positive can be diagnosed. [1] Folding differential diagnosis 1. Mainly consider chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure. Multiple small pulmonary emboli can occasionally cause wheezing. 2. Patients with allergic pneumonia appear to be clinically similar to asthma, but after exposure to sensitizers, they usually have more systemic symptoms without wheezing, unless it is allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. 3. Patients with bronchial obstruction secondary to malignant tumours, aortic aneurysms, endobronchial tuberculosis or sarcoidosis may occasionally have wheezing. 4. Upper airway obstruction caused by vocal cord dysfunction can be diagnosed by fiberoptic bronchoscopy during the attack. 5. Other rare diseases that can resemble asthma include carcinoid syndrome, Churg-Stauss syndrome and eosinophilic pneumonia (including tropical eosinophilia and parasitic infections that affect the lungs during certain periods of the disease). 6. Strongyloides faecalis infection must receive treatment to avoid death, but if treated with corticosteroids, it can lead to disseminated parasitic infection and multiple infection syndrome of gram-negative bacteria. 7. Usually, the completely atypical history of asthma suggests that other diseases have caused airway obstruction. Fold check (1) Laboratory inspection 1. Routine blood test Increased serum IgE caused by allergies, increased the total number of white blood cells and neutrophils during co-infection. 2. Sputum examination Sputum smear showed increased eosinophilia. 3. Respiratory function check (1) Obstructive ventilatory dysfunction was present at the onset of ventilatory function detection, and the expiratory flow rate index decreased significantly. (2) Bronchial provocation test is used to measure airway responsiveness and confirm the existence of airway hyperresponsiveness. Commonly used inhalation stimulants are methacholine and histamine. After inhaling the stimulant, the ventilatory function decreases and the airway resistance increases. (3) The bronchial dilation test is used to determine the reversibility of airway airflow. Commonly used inhaled bronchodilators are salbutamol and terbutaline. (4) Determination of PEF and its variation rate PEF can reflect changes in airway ventilation function. PDF decreases during an asthma attack. Diurnal PEF variation rate of ≥20% is in line with the characteristics of reversible changes in airway airflow limitation. 4. Blood gas analysis There may be different degrees of hypoxemia during an asthma attack. If the airway is severely blocked, PaCO2 will rise at the same time as PaO2 drops, and respiratory acidosis will occur. Severe hypoxia can be combined with metabolic acidosis. (2) Other auxiliary examinations 1. Chest X-ray examination During an asthma attack, the brightness of both lungs increases, showing an over-inflated state, and there is no abnormality in the remission period. 2. Detection of specific allergens Avoid or reduce exposure to this allergen. Folding treatment Appropriate use of drugs can save most patients from emergency and hospitalization. The choice of drugs should be based on the severity of asthma. (1) Treatment of acute attacks Acute asthma attacks can be divided into mild (stage Ⅰ), moderate (stage Ⅱ), severe (stage Ⅲ) or respiratory failure (stage Ⅳ). 1. In stage I or stage II, an aerosol bronchodilator is usually inhaled by compressed air atomization. For adult patients with acute asthma, use a salbutamol metered-dose inhaler to connect the storage mist. 2. For adult patients with stage Ⅱ acute onset, corticosteroids can be given within 48 hours. Arterial blood gases should be measured, especially if the patient is ineffective against inhaled β2-agonists, has severe distress or worsening, or the extent of the attack is uncertain. 3. The arterial blood gas should be measured immediately for stage III patients. And should use an oxygen mask to continuously inhale the albuterol atomized solution. If the patient continues to be in severe distress, aminophylline should be instilled continuously, and serum theophylline levels must be monitored. Patients with heart failure or liver disease or elderly patients should pay special attention and reduce the dose. For patients who use drugs that reduce the serum theophylline clearance rate (such as cimetidine, erythromycin, ciprofloxacin), the dose should be reduced and the blood drug concentration should be monitored. Proper oxygen is given to correct hypoxemia, and oxygen can be inhaled through a nasal cannula or mask. Stage III patients should be given corticosteroids, and the most frequently used is intravenous methylprednisolone. There are many indications for hospitalization, but the clear indications are: no improvement in the condition, progressive fatigue, relapse after repeated β-agonist and aminophylline treatment, PaO2 significantly decreases, suggesting respiratory failure. Many patients with severe asthma attacks who should be hospitalized were sent home from the emergency room. 4. In addition to β-agonists and theophylline, patients in or near stage IV should also be given intravenous methylprednisolone immediately. Stage IV patients who are ineffective in the treatment of active β2-agonists and corticosteroids appear Fatigued and progressive deterioration of arterial blood gas and pH should consider tracheal intubation and assisted breathing. Such patients should be admitted to the intensive care unit. Due to hypoxia and suffocation, many stage IV patients can experience extreme anxiety. It is advisable to treat basic respiratory diseases, including proper 02 therapy. At this time, it is especially necessary to obtain calm, caring and supportive guidance from medical staff. (2) Education The importance of education must be emphasized. The more patients know about asthma, including the precipitating factors, when to use what medicine, and how to use the aerosol canister, the earlier the use of corticosteroids when asthma worsens, the better the asthma control. It is absolutely useful to monitor the peak expiratory flow in families with moderate to severe asthma combined with education. When asthma is stationary, the peak flow value is measured every morning. If the patient's peak flow value drops to a personal optimal value of <80%, the diurnal variation rate needs to be measured twice a day. Diurnal variation rate> 20% indicates airway instability, and the treatment plan needs to be re-evaluated. Every patient should record the treatment response every day, especially the treatment of acute attacks. [1] Clinical manifestations (1) Symptoms Typical manifestations are episodic expiratory dyspnea or episodic chest tightness and cough, accompanied by wheezing. In severe cases, it is forced to sit and breathe, or even cyanosis; dry cough or a large amount of white foamy sputum. Some patients only have a cough as their only symptom. Asthma can occur in a few minutes, and after a few hours to a few days, bronchodilators can relieve or relieve itself. It is one of the characteristics of frequent asthma attacks and exacerbations at night and early morning. Some patients may experience chest tightness, cough and difficulty breathing during exercise. (2) physical signs During an asthma attack, the chest is over-inflated, auscultation has extensive wheezing and prolonged exhalation sounds. In severe cases, rapid heart rate, odd pulses, abnormal chest and abdomen movements, and cyanosis may occur. But in mild asthma or very severe asthma attack, wheezing may not appear, which is called sedentary chest. Folding precautions 1. Primary prevention: aims to prevent asthma by removing risk factors. 2. Secondary prevention: early diagnosis and treatment when asymptomatic to prevent the development of asthma. 3. Three-level prevention: actively control the symptoms of asthma, prevent the disease from getting worse, and reduce complications. [1] Folding daily care (1) Keep the airway open 1. Medication care (1) Bronchodilators, among which inhalation therapy has the advantages of small dosage, quick onset, and small side effects, and is the preferred drug treatment method. (2) Adrenocortical hormones are currently the most effective drugs for the treatment of asthma. Long-term use can produce many side effects, such as double infections and obesity. When the child has a change in body image, psychological care should be taken. 2. Oxygen Most children with asthma have hypoxia, so oxygen should be given to reduce anaerobic metabolism, and 40% oxygen concentration is appropriate to prevent acidosis. Closely monitor the arterial blood gas analysis value as an evaluation of the treatment effect. 3. Posture Adopt a position that expands the lungs, which can be a semi-sitting or sitting position. In addition, postural drainage can also be used to assist children with expectoration. (2) Ensure rest and do psychological care Excessive breathing exercises and hypoxemia make the child feel extremely tired and provide a quiet and comfortable environment for the child to rest. Nursing operations should be carried out as concentrated as possible. Take measures to ease fear, ensure safety, and encourage children to relax. Understand the psychological problems of parents and children and provide corresponding psychological care according to individual conditions. (3) Improve activity endurance Assist children in their daily life, guide children's activities, try to avoid emotional and nervous activities. Before and after the child's activity, monitor his breathing and heart rate. If there is shortness of breath or heart rate during the activity, continue to inhale oxygen and give rest. Depending on the condition, gradually increase the amount of activity. (4) Closely monitor the condition Continue to observe the child’s asthma, observe whether the child has a large amount of white sticky sputum, expiratory dyspnea, rapid breathing, and wheezing, whether there is a lot of sweating, fatigue, cyanosis and vomiting, and whether the chest is full, It is inspiratory, whether there is excessive response during percussion, whether the whole lung is auscultated for wheezing, and whether breathing sounds and wheezing are weakened or disappeared, and heart rate increases when the dyspnea worsens. In addition, the children should be closely monitored for irritability, increased asthma, increased heart rate, rapid liver increase in a short period of time, and blood pressure. Be alert to the occurrence of comorbidities such as heart failure and respiratory arrest. At the same time, you should also be alert to the occurrence of persistent asthma. If persistent asthma occurs, you should immediately inhale oxygen and give a semi-sitting position to assist doctors in joint treatment. (5) Health education guidance Breathing exercise: Respiratory exercise can strengthen the diaphragmatic respiratory muscles. Before performing breathing exercises, the secretions from the children’s nasal passages should be removed

Monday 26 October 2020

Will Asthma Die Suddenly?


 Recently, a friend fainted and lost consciousness due to asthma. Will asthma often break out? Will this kind of sudden asthma cause death? I'm so afraid, so worried, all ​Followers 51 Browsed 96,589 Follow the question and write an answer​Invite to answer​Good question 1​1 Comment​Share​11 answers Default sort European Emperor Eats a Spear Medical-based children, focusing on the healthy growth of children 18 people agreed with the answer There is indeed a possibility of death from an acute attack of asthma, but it is very very very low! Therefore, the subject does not have to worry too much and put psychological pressure on yourself. Let me just talk about the symptoms of an asthma attack. Give the subject a little confidence. 1. Symptoms before asthma attack: Coughing, chest tightness, and increased sputum volume for several consecutive days, but not easy to cough up Symptoms of allergic rhinitis appear or worsen, such as sneezing, watery eyes, clear nose, nasopharynx, itchy eyes, etc. Symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection such as fever, sore throat, stuffy nose, cough In the spring and autumn seasons with a high incidence of asthma, long-term physical fatigue and mental fatigue Allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis and skin eczema Long-term dry cough is not well controlled 2. Symptoms of asthmatic patients: Symptom 1: Wheezing, wheezing is the most common symptom of an asthma attack. When an asthma attack occurs, patients will have paroxysmal wheezing, accompanied by wheezing, and shortness of breath. This symptom mostly occurs at night or in the early morning. The shortest one appears for a few minutes, and the elderly last for hours or even days. Symptom 2 Coughing, coughing is normal for normal people, but for asthmatics, coughing may be a precursor to an attack. Before the onset of asthma, it is the most irritating dry cough, but the cough is reduced during the attack, mainly wheezing, and when the attack tends to be relieved, there is more sputum. If there is no co-infection, it is often colourless or white translucent phlegm, with tough texture, Sometimes it is rice grain or mucus column. Symptom 3 Chest tightness. When a patient with asthma has chest tightness, it indicates that asthma may occur. Because during an asthma attack, the patient feels that the air inhaled is not enough, and in severe cases, there will be a sense of suffocation. Asthma patients should carry medicine with them in case of emergency. If the above three signs appear, they should be prepared to deal with asthma. Posted on 2016-12-01​Agree 18​​1 Comment​Share​Collection​Like Put away​Continue browsing content Know almost Discover the bigger world turn on Chrome carries on Li Xiaoyi A doctor dedicated to the medical Internet. 8 people agreed with the answer There is no doubt that asthma can lead to death. However, the case fatality rate of death due to an acute asthma attack is about 0.075%. In recent years, the mortality rate of asthma has become lower and lower. There is even a "zero asthma death committee" in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. The current optimism about the current status of asthma mortality is that two-thirds of asthma deaths can be prevented, but one-third of patients will still lose their lives.It is very important to correctly and timely identify risk factors for asthma death. Posted on 2016-07-19​Agree 8​​Add a comment​Share​Collection​Like Continue browsing content Know almost Discover the bigger world turn on Chrome carry on Engineer Dad Gogogo 24 people agreed with the answer There are different degrees of asthma attacks. Your friend’s situation is a serious emergency attack, which is not normal. Let him stick to the treatment and keep a bottle of Ventolin aerosol by his side to let friends know that he has asthma. Good to help. Almost 30,000 people die of asthma every year worldwide. Because asthma is a chronic disease, many patients have accumulated experience in self-management from childhood to adulthood. Also Besides, asthma treatment now has mature treatment plans and drugs. As long as it is properly controlled, it is no different from normal people’s work and study. fear. Edited on 2015-11-27​Agree 24​​6 comments​Share​Collection​Like Continue browsing content Know almost Discover the bigger world turn on Chrome carries on Gene treasure Advertising​not interested Zhihu Advertising Introduction What kind of experience is it to grab a genetic test with the original price "10% off"? Where is your ancestor? How is your drinking? Are you easy to lose weight? These answers are hidden in your genes. 2ml saliva test gene, one discount and limited-time price waiting for you to grab view details Guo Guo 撸铁 Girl 2 people agreed with the answer Severe asthma attacks may lead to death, so long-term standard treatment is required. It is best to have a doctor for a long time, let him know your condition better, follow the doctor's advice, keep a daily asthma diary, give feedback to your doctor, and adjust the treatment plan regularly. Edited on 2017-03-28​Agree 2​​Add a comment​Share​Collection​Like Continue browsing content Know almost Discover the bigger world turn on Chrome carry on The pill king with the split personality I am warm as spring, and I am also cold and black! 9 people agreed with the answer Everyone is familiar with the word "asthma" We often see people having asthma attacks in TV series Take out the shot of spray Teresa Teng Died because of an asthma attack Peking Opera Master Mr Mei Baojiu Suffered an asthma attack last month Bronchospasm occurs, leading to hypoxia in the brain Died after 26 days in a coma Even "Flying Fish" Phelps Also suffered from asthma since childhood, In fact, this "breathing pain" is also controllable and preventable Uncle Liang has suffered from asthma for many years, and there is no difference between him and healthy people in the remission period. As Uncle Liang is old and has a bad memory, he always only thinks of medication when he has an asthma attack and does not use any medication during the remission period. This recurring attack caused severe complications such as emphysema and pulmonary heart disease over time. Many asthma patients, like Uncle Liang, do not fully realize the importance of early prevention and systematic treatment of asthma. They take the medicine when the onset occurs and stop the medicine when the symptoms are relieved. The same goes for Mr Liu's wife. "Cough cough cough", a violent dry cough awakened Mr Liu from his sleep. It was his wife who was coughing. Why is she coughing again? His wife was diagnosed with bronchial asthma last year. After the medication, the effect was really good. However, the coughing sound tonight is really strange. Has she not caught a cold recently? Mr Liu suddenly remembered that a month ago, his wife asked if the medicine he was taking was a hormone. Didn't she stop the medication according to the doctor's request? Under Mr Liu’s questioning, his wife said aggrieved: “I stopped using it. My symptoms have recovered, and this medicine is a hormone! There will be adverse reactions, such as full moon face' and buffalo back'. Scared to death! Asthma is a chronic recurrent disease that requires long-term treatment. No matter whether there is an attack or not, treatment should be adhered to. However, many asthma patients think that they can not take the medicine or stop the medicine without authorization. Some people have a bad memory and do not take the medicine on time every day, which will cause some complications, which will give us Bring great harm, and may even be complicated by emphysema, pulmonary heart disease and other diseases, threatening life. for us to have a happy life and a healthy body, we must take medicine on time and treat in time. Edited on 2019-07-05​Agree 9​​Add a comment​Share​Collection​Like Put away​Continue browsing content Know almost Discover the bigger world turn on Chrome carry on Find new drugs Help patients take new drugs for free and take care of their lives and health. In the popular web drama "The Hidden Corner" some time ago, there was a little girl named Pupu who was very popular. Unfortunately, Pupu is allergic to cat fur. After rubbing a cat, she has an asthma attack and her life is at stake. Why does rubbing a cat cause an asthma attack? Take a look at the video below and you will know. Looking for new drugs, the first phase, why is Pupu, who licks the cat, in danger Video of finding new drugs 316 Play Posted on 08-07​Agree to​​Add a comment​Share​Collection​Like Continue browsing content Know almost Discover the bigger world turn on Chrome carry on Have a dream for you Can sweet and salt There is such a possibility, but it is very small, and general asthma is preventable and controllable. Usually, pay attention to preventive medicine and avoid incentives Prepare emergency medicine around you. Santorini/Xinbike are all okay, and they can generally be relieved. If the attack persists and does not relieve, remember to consult a doctor~ It is also important to review regularly! Posted on 04-12​Agree​​Add a comment​Share​Collection​Like Continue browsing content Know almost Discover the bigger world turn on Chrome carry on Let go Everything is alive (except mosquitoes) Yes, for example, when the troops ran three kilometres and 5,000 meters armed, Fan asthma Posted on 05-05​Agree to​​Add a comment​Share​Collection​Like Continue browsing content Know almost Discover the bigger world turn on Chrome carry on Anonymous User 6 people agreed with the answer Seeing this question feels very scientific and terrible Asthma is classified as one of the four major chronic diseases. There is no shortage of asthma patients in China "typical asthma, variant asthma, reflux asthma, cardiogenic asthma, allergic asthma" but very few patients have regular follow-up visits and standardized medications. 3% of patients insist on using corticosteroid sprays. Some ignorant people think that asthma is an infectious disease! !! The minds of some Chinese people really need to be cured You can die, or you can be like a normal person. It depends on your own situation. Nitric oxide, lung function, diastole, stimulation, bronchoscopy, swimming, exercise, stay happy, pay attention to heart rate, keep Ventolin, use regularly Hormones, oral leukotrienes Posted on 2019-08-18​Agree 6​​Add a comment​Share​Collection​Like Continue browsing content Know almost Discover the bigger world turn on Chrome carries on Hetian Xi 996, 55 Interruption... Suddenly I found that I was not worthy of the back wave of 5.4 days. 1 person agreed with the answer The chances are very small unless you don’t care at all, just take good protection and bring common medicines, Vantorin is good. I really can’t rest assured, pick up some aminophylline, and bring an atomization device, which is the size of a mobile phone. Although budesonide and ipratropium bromide are more expensive, they are very effective. calm down! Keep exercising to improve your immunity and improve your mentality. This is nothing, just a common minor problem. Posted on 04-10​Agree 1​​2 comments​Share​Collection​Like Continue browsing content Know almost Discover the bigger world turn on Chrome carry on 2222233333 students A good friend of mine and I met in the hospital and we all have asthma. She left a while ago, and she didn't know if it was because of this disease. I hope not, otherwise, it would be uncomfortable

Sunday 25 October 2020

Synonyms Asthma


Bronchial asthma Synonyms Asthma generally refers to bronchial asthma (medical disease) This entry is provided by the "Science China" Science Encyclopedia entry writing and application work project. Bronchial asthma is an abnormality characterized by chronic inflammation of the airway that is characterized by a variety of cells (such as eosinophils, mast cells, T lymphocytes, neutrophils, airway epithelial cells, etc.) and cellular components. Qualitative disease. This chronic inflammation is related to airway hyperresponsiveness. It is usually extensive and variable reversible expiratory airflow limitation, resulting in recurrent wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and/or coughing symptoms, intensity Change with time. It usually occurs at night and (or) early in the morning, and most patients can relieve themselves or after treatment. If bronchial asthma is not diagnosed and treated in time, it can cause irreversible airway narrowing and airway remodelling with the extension of the disease course. English name bronchial asthma Respiratory department Common bronchi Common symptoms of recurrent wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and/or cough Expert interpretation Inhaled hormones for bronchial asthma Regular inhaled hormone therapy is the most commonly used asthma treatment, and it has been used more and more widely. Popular Science China Committed to authoritative science communication This entry certification expert is Xu Wenbing丨Chief physician Peking Union Medical College Hospital Respiratory Medicine Audit He Zhihong丨Chief Physician Department of Respiratory Medicine, Shijiazhuang First Hospital National Health Commission Authoritative medical science popularization network platform Disease Overview Popular Science Articles (9) Popular Science Video table of Contents 1 Cause 2 Clinical manifestations 3 check 4 Diagnosis 5 Differential diagnosis 6 treatment 7 Prognosis 8 Education and management of asthma Basic Information English name bronchial asthma, common disease site, respiratory department, common disease site, common bronchial symptoms, repeated episodes of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and (or) coughing Cause 1. Genetic factors Individual allergies and the influence of the external environment are risk factors for the disease. Asthma is related to polygenic inheritance. The prevalence of relatives of asthma patients is higher than the group prevalence, and the closer the relationship, the higher the prevalence; the more severe the patient’s condition, the higher the prevalence of their relatives. 2. Allergen (1) Indoor and outdoor allergens Dust mites are the most common and most harmful indoor allergens. They are an important cause of asthma worldwide. Dust mites exist in secretions such as fur, saliva, urine and faeces. The fungus is also one of the allergens in indoor air, especially in dark, humid and poorly ventilated places. Common outdoor allergens: Pollen and grass meal are the most common outdoor allergens that cause asthma attacks, and other specific and non-specific inhalants such as animal dander, sulfur dioxide, and ammonia. (2) The common allergens of occupational allergens are grain powder, flour, wood, feed, tea, coffee beans, silkworm, pigeon, mushrooms, antibiotics (penicillin, cephalosporin), rosin, reactive dyes, persulfuric acid Salt, ethylenediamine, etc. (3) Drugs and food Aspirin, propranolol (Propranolol) and some non-corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs are the main allergens of asthma caused by drugs. Also Besides, foods such as fish, shrimp, crab, eggs, and milk can induce asthma. 3. Precipitating factors Common air pollution, smoking, respiratory infections, such as bacterial, viral, protozoan, and parasite infections, pregnancy, strenuous exercise, and climate change; various non-specific stimuli such as inhalation of cold air, distilled water mist, etc. can induce asthma attacks. Also Besides, mental factors can also induce asthma. Clinical manifestations Paroxysmal dyspnea accompanied by wheezing or paroxysmal cough, chest tightness. In severe cases, people are forced to sit or breathe upright, dry cough or cough a lot of white foamy sputum, or even cyanosis. Sometimes a cough is the only symptom (cough variant asthma). Some adolescent patients have chest tightness, coughing and dyspnea during exercise as their only clinical manifestations (exercise asthma). Asthma symptoms can be onset within a few minutes, and after a few hours to a few days, bronchodilators can be used to relieve or relieve themselves. Some patients may have another attack a few hours after remission. Attacks and exacerbations at night and early morning are often one of the characteristics of asthma. an examination 1. Physical examination During the attack, the chest was hyperinflated, the chest was swollen, and the percussion was clean. Most of them had extensive expiratory wheezing and prolonged expiratory sounds. Severe asthma attacks often have signs of laboured breathing, profuse sweating, cyanosis, abnormal chest and abdomen movements, increased heart rate, and abnormal pulses. There may be no abnormal signs in the remission period. 2. Laboratory and other inspections (1) Routine blood examinations Some patients may have increased eosinophils during attacks, but most of them are not obvious. For example, concurrent infections may have increased white blood cell counts and an increased proportion of classified neutrophils. (2) Sputum examination smear shows more eosinophils, such as respiratory tract bacterial infection, sputum smear Gram stain, cell culture and drug sensitivity test can help the diagnosis of pathogenic bacteria and guide treatment. (3) Pulmonary function examination During the remission period, the lung ventilation function is mostly in the normal range. During an asthma attack, due to the limitation of the expiratory flow rate, the expiratory flow rate indicators are significantly reduced, manifested as the forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), the one-second rate (FEV1/FVC%) (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) Occupied vital capacity ratio), maximum mid-expiratory flow rate (MMER), maximum expiratory flow (MEF50% and MEF75%) at 50% and 75% expiratory capacity, peak expiratory flow (PEFR), and maximum expiratory flow ( PEF) are reduced. Lung capacity indicators can reduce effective vital capacity, increase residual capacity, increase functional residual capacity and total lung capacity, and increase the percentage of residual air in total lung capacity. Can gradually recover after treatment. If the disease is prolonged and repeated, its ventilation function may gradually decrease. (4) Blood gas analysis During a severe asthma attack, due to airway obstruction and uneven ventilation distribution, the ventilation/blood flow ratio is unbalanced, which can cause the alveolar-arterial oxygen partial pressure difference (A-aDO2) to increase; there may be hypoxia, PaO2 And SaO2 decreased, PaCO2 decreased due to hyperventilation, pH value increased, showing respiratory alkalosis. Such as severe asthma, the disease progresses further, airway obstruction is serious, hypoxia and CO2 retention may occur, PaCO2 rises, and respiratory acidosis is manifested. If hypoxia is obvious, metabolic acidosis can be combined. (5) Chest X-ray examination In the early stage of an asthma attack, the transparency of both lungs can be seen to increase, showing an over-inflated state; there is usually no obvious abnormality in the remission period. If the respiratory tract infection is complicated, the lung texture and the shadow of inflammatory infiltration can be seen. At the same time, pay attention to the existence of complications such as atelectasis, pneumothorax, or mediastinal emphysema. (6) Detection of specific allergens Most asthma patients are accompanied by allergies and are sensitive to numerous allergens and irritants. Determination of allergic indicators combined with medical history can help diagnose the cause of the patient and get rid of allergenic factors. However, allergic reactions should be prevented. (7) Others. Skin allergen test, inhaled allergen test, and patient-specific IgE in vitro can be tested as appropriate. diagnosis For patients with typical symptoms and signs, a clinical diagnosis can be made after wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and cough caused by other diseases are excluded; for atypical cases, bronchodilation or provocation test should be performed, and positive patients can be diagnosed. Differential diagnosis 1. Wheezing dyspnea caused by left heart failure More common in the elderly. The reasons are hypertension, coronary atherosclerosis, mitral valve stenosis, or chronic nephritis, etc. The attacks are more common at night. The symptoms are chest tightness, shortness of breath and difficulty, coughing and wheezing. In severe cases, there are cyanosis, dark complexion, cold sweats, nervousness and fear, similar to acute asthma attacks. In addition to wheezing, patients often spit out a lot of thin watery or foamy sputum or maybe pink foamy sputum, and have typical wet rales at the bottom of the lungs, the heart expands to the left, heart valve murmurs, and heart sounds may be irregular or even Gallop. Chest X-ray shows that the heart shadow may be enlarged, and the left atrial appendage is often enlarged in patients with mitral valve stenosis. The lungs have signs of pulmonary oedema, and the shadows of blood vessels are blurred. Due to pulmonary oedema, the interlobular septum becomes wider, and the interlobular line can move down to the basal lung lobe, which is helpful for identification. 2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease It is more common in middle-aged and elderly people, with a history of chronic cough, wheezing exists all year round, and there is an exacerbation period. Most patients have a history of long-term smoking or exposure to harmful gases, signs of emphysema, and wet rales may be heard in both lungs. However, it is sometimes difficult to strictly distinguish between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma in clinical practice. It may be helpful to use bronchodilators, oral or inhaled hormones for therapeutic diagnosis, and sometimes the two can exist at the same time. 3. Allergic lung infiltration This is a group of pulmonary eosinophil infiltration diseases, including simple eosinophilic pneumonia, persistent eosinophilic pneumonia, asthmatic eosinophilic pneumonia, tropical pulmonary eosinophilia and pulmonary necrotizing vasculitis, etc. Diseases can be included in this group of diseases, and they may all have asthma symptoms, especially asthmatic eosinophilic pneumonia. The disease can be seen at any age, most of which are related to lower respiratory tract bacterial infections. The patient is allergic to Aspergillus, so it is also called allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. The patient often has a fever, and chest X-ray examination shows multiple, one after another light patch infiltration shadow, which can disappear on its own or recur repeatedly. Lung tissue biopsy can help identify. 4. Trachea and main bronchial lung cancer Because cancer compresses or invades the trachea or the main bronchus, the upper airway lumen is narrowed or incompletely blocked, coughing or wheezing occurs, and even wheezing occurs. However, patients usually have no history of asthma attacks, sputum can be bloody, wheezing symptoms are mostly inspiratory dyspnea, or wheezing sounds are limited, and anti-asthmatic drugs are ineffective. As long as the disease is taken into consideration, it is not difficult to distinguish it by further chest X-ray examination, CT, sputum cytology and fiberoptic bronchoscopy. treatment Currently, there is no specific treatment method, but adherence to long-term standardized treatment can make asthma symptoms well-controlled, reduce recurrence or even no longer attack. 1. Treatment goals (1) Complete control of symptoms; (2) Preventing the onset or exacerbation of disease; (3) The lung function is close to the best value of the individual; (4) Normal activities; (5) Improve self-awareness and ability to deal with acute exacerbations, and reduce the chance of emergency or hospitalization; (6) Avoid adverse drug reactions; (7) Prevent irreversible airway obstruction; (8) Prevent death from asthma. 2. Basic clinical strategies for asthma prevention (1) Long-term anti-inflammatory treatment is the basic treatment, and inhaled hormones are the first choice. Commonly used inhaled drugs include beclomethasone (BDP), budesonide, fluticasone, mometasone, etc. The latter two have stronger biological activity and longer-lasting effects. Usually, it takes regular inhalation for more than a week to take effect. (2) The first choice for emergency relief of symptoms is inhaled, β2 agonists. β2 agonists mainly activate the β2 receptors of the respiratory tract, activate adenylate cyclase, increase the content of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in cells and decrease free Ca, thereby relaxing bronchial smooth muscles. It is the first choice for controlling acute asthma attacks drug. (3) If the disease control is not satisfactory after regular inhalation of hormones, it is advisable to add inhaled long-acting β2 agonists, or sustained-release theophylline, or leukotriene modulators (combined medication); also consider increasing the amount of inhaled hormones. (4) In patients with severe asthma, if the above-mentioned treatment still recurs for a long time, intensive treatment may be considered. That is, according to the treatment of severe asthma attacks, give high-dose hormones and other treatments, and gradually reduce the number of hormones after 2 to 4 days after the symptoms are fully controlled, the lung function is restored to the optimal level, and the PEF fluctuation rate is normal. Some patients are well controlled after the intensive treatment phase. 3. Comprehensive treatment measures (1) Eliminate the aetiology and inducing causes. (2) Prevent and treat coexisting diseases, such as allergic rhinitis, reflux esophagitis, etc. (3) Immunomodulatory therapy. (4) Frequently check whether inhaled medicine is used correctly and compliance with doctor's orders. Prognosis The outcome and prognosis of asthma vary from person to person and are closely related to the correct treatment plan. Through the active and standardized treatment of childhood asthma, the clinical control rate can reach 95%. Mild disease is easy to recover, severe disease, airway reactivity is obviously increased, or other allergic diseases are difficult to control. If chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or pulmonary heart disease occurs for a long time, the prognosis is poor. Education and management of asthma The education and management of asthma patients is an important measure to improve efficacy, reduce recurrence, and improve the quality of life of patients. Doctors should develop a prevention and treatment plan for each newly diagnosed asthma patient so that the patient understands or masters the following: 1. I believe that through long-term, appropriate and adequate treatment, asthma attacks can be effectively controlled; 2. Understand the triggers of asthma, combine each person's specific situation, find out their own triggers, and avoid the triggers; 3. Briefly understand the nature and pathogenesis of asthma; 4. Familiar with the aura manifestations of asthma attacks and corresponding treatment methods; 5. Learn to monitor the changes of the condition at home and make assessments, focusing on the use of peak flow meters, and record asthma diaries if possible; 6. Learn simple emergency self-treatment methods during an asthma attack; 7. Understand the effects, correct dosage, usage and adverse reactions of commonly used anti-asthmatic drugs; 8. Master the correct usage of different inhalation devices; 9. Know when to go to the hospital for treatment; 10. Work with the doctor to prevent the recurrence of asthma and maintain long-term stability.

Thursday 22 October 2020

Asthma Attack


What should I do if I have a sudden attack of asthma? Asthma, also known as bronchial asthma, is due to various reasons that increase airway responsiveness, that is, the airway is super sensitive to irritants. Studies have found that asthma patients are 100 to 1000 times more sensitive to irritants than normal people. Asthma patients will experience bronchoconstriction and even continuous spasms once they are exposed to weak stimuli from the outside world, causing recurrent symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. Asthma usually occurs at night, and it can relieve itself or get better through treatment in the early stage. However, if it recurs or does not receive a regular treatment, the reversible airflow limitation turns into irreversible functional impairment, and the symptoms often persist. How to recognize an acute attack of asthma? An acute attack of asthma refers to the sudden onset of symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, chest tightness, or a sharp aggravation of the original symptoms, accompanied by dyspnea, which is mainly characterized by the decreased expiratory flow. Most asthma attacks have different degrees of aura before an acute attack, and there are usually two ways to judge. 1. Based on the monitoring results of peak expiratory flow (PEF) PEF can be detected by a simple peak flow meter. The peak flow meter is easy to carry and easy to operate. It can be tested at home. If the PEF value drops to the personal best 60-80% or lower recently, you need to be alert to the risk of an acute attack. 2. Changes according to symptoms, such as cough, chest tightness, shortness of breath Of course, because individuals have different perceptions and symptom sensitivity to airflow limitation, the two can be combined to judge and identify. Causes of acute asthma attacks Many reasons can cause an acute attack of asthma, such as seasonality (more common in winter and spring), respiratory infections, weather changes, and allergens. The substances that cause allergies are not necessarily the same for everyone. Common predisposing factors include airborne dust, dust mites, pollen, carpets, animal hair, clothing fibres, etc., irritants such as cigarettes, sprays, etc., foods such as seafood, fresh rivers, etc. Dairy foods such as cheese, yoghurt, milk, etc. Asthma patients pay attention to observation in daily life and try to stay away from these allergens. After all, we don't live in a vacuum. No matter how careful, the ever-changing "wheezing" substances are sometimes difficult to prevent. If you accidentally cause an acute asthma attack, timely identification and active control are particularly important. Management of acute asthma attacks At home, if an asthma patient encounters a mild to moderate acute attack or a severe asthma patient has not been sent to the hospital for treatment, what measures can be taken to control the condition? Stay away from inducements Most acute asthma attacks have clear triggers. It is especially important to stay away from the triggers. Keep the home environment clean and ventilated with fresh air. Stabilize mood Eliminate the nervousness of the patient in time. Nervous emotions may aggravate the degree of airway spasms, making asthma symptoms difficult to control. Choose drugs Short-acting bronchodilator If there is an aura of an acute asthma attack, the most classic way to deal with it is to take out aerosol sprays as often seen in TV dramas. This aerosol is a short-acting bronchodilator, it works very quickly, if you feel that the control is not ideal, you can spray it every 4 to 8 hours. This kind of aerosol is best not to exceed 8 sprays a day, because this kind of drug has side effects such as palpitation, hand tremor, etc., and it is difficult to tolerate if it is used too much. On the other hand, it is a receptor-dependent drug. Will be discounted. Combination of inhaled hormones and bronchodilators If there is no short-acting bronchodilator at hand, there is a combination of inhaled hormone and bronchodilator, budesonide/formoterol (160/4.5 μg), which has a faster onset and can also be used to quickly relieve symptoms. Like short-acting bronchodilators, it is best not to take more than 6 breaths a day. Other drugs In addition to the two emergency aerosols mentioned above (short-acting bronchodilator and budesonide/formoterol), there are also some drugs that control asthma symptoms such as aminophylline, ipratropium bromide aerosol, etc. , If you have medicine at home, you can also use it. When the control of the aforementioned plan is still not ideal, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time. Of course, there are some old patients who are experienced in fighting asthma. Oral hormones such as prednisone are always available at home. They can be added. However, it is best to consult a professional doctor for the dosage and usage to avoid adverse drug reactions or delay the disease. Distinguish severe illness and send to hospital in time If any of the following severe symptoms occur, it is best for the patient to seek immediate medical attention with his family or friends. Look at the way of speaking If you speak fluently, just open your mouth for short phrases, which are usually not heavy. Severely ill patients often struggle to speak, cherish words like gold, and it is difficult to speak single words, so be careful. A Second look at sitting posture Mild-to-moderate patients often likes to lean or lie down, which can be adjusted according to their own comfort without being irritable. Severely ill patients often fidget, sitting forward and panting will make him feel a little more comfortable. Three look at pulse and heartbeat In critically ill patients, due to continuous airway spasm and hypoxia, the heart rate increases, and the pulse or heart rate often exceeds 120 times or even faster. Four looks at blood pressure and oxygen saturation If you have a finger pulse oxygen saturation meter or a sphygmomanometer at home, both can be used to determine the degree of illness. When the oxygen saturation is below 90%, it usually indicates a serious illness. If the blood pressure is not good, it usually indicates a serious condition. Poor blood pressure here generally refers to low blood pressure. If the blood pressure is too low, there may be signs of shock. Of course, many elderly patients should pay more attention.

Any Age Can Develop Asthma

  What are the symptoms of asthma and can it really be cured? 2019-05-07 13:44 Source: Xinhuanet shared Bronchial asthma (abbreviated as ast...