Monday 2 November 2020

What foods can't you eat for asthma?

What foods can't you eat for asthma?   Asthma has a great impact on the human body, not only physical pain but also psychological damage. Asthma patients also have many precautions and contraindications in their daily lives. Many people with asthma cannot eat as they please, and there are many foods to avoid to prevent their illness from getting worse. So what foods can asthma patients not eat? The following is a detailed introduction for everyone. The first is alcohol. Asthma patients should not drink, because after drinking, alcohol enters the bloodstream, which will speed up the heartbeat and reduce the respiratory function of the lungs. The lung ventilation function of bronchial asthma patients is inherently poor. After drinking alcohol, the symptoms of cough and asthma will become worse. . Followed by oil-bearing foods, represented by peanuts, cottonseed oil and sesame seeds. These foods contain high protein and are especially prone to allergic asthma when eaten raw. However, studies have shown that it is rarely induced after being processed and refined into oil products. Allergic symptoms, so people with asthma should avoid eating such foods raw.    Then there are poultry eggs, eggs, quail eggs, and duck eggs are also foods for asthma patients. The egg protein in the egg white is the main allergen that induces allergies, which can easily cause allergic reactions in patients with bronchial asthma. There is also seafood. Bronchial asthma attacks are mostly related to allergenic factors. Foods such as fish, shrimps and crabs are related to foods such as fish, shrimps and crabs. Some people with allergies can easily induce asthma if they eat such foods. Therefore, patients with bronchial asthma should not eat these types of foods. food. After    is cigarettes, patients with bronchial asthma should quit smoking, because smoking can easily cause bronchial wall spasm, increase secretions, damage mucosal epithelial cells, cause glandular hypertrophy, and aggravate the condition.    The above are foods that asthma cannot eat. Asthmatic patients should pay special attention to diet while actively preventing and treating diseases. Pay more attention to diet to avoid asthma attacks. 

This is more common and more serious respiratory disease. Bronchial asthma has a high frequency of attacks, which is closely related to the living environment and genetic factors. Then, what clinical symptoms will bronchial asthma show, and how to treat this disease, let’s give us a detailed introduction by Huang Chenghua, the chief physician of Zhaoqing First People’s Hospital. What is the manifestation of bronchial asthma? What is the manifestation of bronchial asthma is different in each patient. And the cause of the disease is different, and the clinical manifestations are also different. The typical clinical manifestations of the disease are sudden onset of chest tightness, shortness of breath, and wheezing, accompanied by severe cough and sputum expectoration. Some patients may also have symptoms such as the pale face, dry lips, and changes in respiratory rate. Patients with bronchial asthma may have cold sweats all over the body and need to go to the hospital immediately for oxygen inhalation, aerosol inhalation, and topical bronchial dilators to relieve their symptoms. What should I do if I have bronchial asthma? If you have bronchial asthma, you need to adhere to long-term standardized treatment, which can control your symptoms and reduce the number of acute attacks of asthma. Long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs is the basis for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Aerosol inhalation of corticosteroids or oral anti-inflammatory drugs can promote the alleviation of the disease. If symptoms such as shortness of breath or wheezing occur, it is considered that bronchial smooth muscle spasm is caused, and the patient needs to use β2 receptor blockers to relieve symptoms. Dr Huang Chenghua gave us a detailed introduction to the common manifestations and coping styles of bronchial asthma. Patients with bronchial asthma, as well as patients with chronic bronchitis, can learn more. Based on the current research, bronchial asthma is considered to be related to allergies, which is a pathological change induced by excessive excitement of immune rejection. Therefore, in the treatment and prevention of this disease, we must proceed from the perspective of anti-allergic. If you want to prevent this disease, you first need to avoid allergens and other factors that induce acute asthma attacks.

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