Sunday 18 October 2020

Health care for patients with asthma


1. What is asthma? Asthma is a chronic bronchial disease. The patient's bronchial tubes become swollen and narrowed due to allergic inflammation, making breathing difficult. Asthma is a global problem, with 300 million asthmatics worldwide. The incidence and severity of asthma are increasing, and 180,000 patients die from asthma every year. The medical use and cost are very high. The general rule: cities are higher than rural areas; more children than adults. 2. What are the clinical manifestations of asthma? Symptoms such as recurrent wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness or coughing often develop and aggravate at night and (or) in the morning. Most patients can relieve themselves or be relieved by treatment. At night, yang is latent in the human body (hormone levels decrease), inflammatory cell infiltration in the airway increases and inflammatory substances are produced, which makes asthma symptoms more obvious. Also Besides, exposure to allergic factors or poor asthma control can make asthma symptoms worse at night (taking long-acting control drugs every day to control asthma inflammation can avoid night attacks) 3. What are the causes of asthma? Genetic factors Environmental factors Indoor allergens Outdoor allergens Smoking 2 Air pollution Factors that worsen asthma Allergens Air pollution Respiratory infections Exercise and hyperventilation Climate change Sulfur dioxide Food, additives, medicines
4. What is the relationship between climate change and asthma attacks? Changes in temperature, humidity, and air pressure may all be factors that induce asthma. According to the survey, the incidence of asthma is the lowest in the hottest seasons, and higher in autumn and winter, but most patients who relieve in summer can also cause asthma attacks due to inhalation of certain irritants, smells or ingestion of certain substances. Asthma can occur in the same season, but it can also occur repeatedly in different seasons. Acute airway stenosis and increased airway resistance that occurs after strenuous exercise. It may cause exercise-induced asthma in patients, especially teenagers (at this time, please consult a doctor to control asthma). 5. Asthma patients need to pay attention to their disease. (1) Asthma patients’ cognition of their own condition is still far from their actual symptoms, and they tend to underestimate their actual symptoms and pay attention to them after a severe attack. This leads to increasingly serious symptoms, even due to ineffective treatment. Face danger to life. 3 Surveys have shown that more than 80% of patients fail to effectively control their disease, which means that they will face the risk of severe asthma attacks and long-term lung damage. (2)  asthma is harmful. A sudden attack of asthma can cause pneumothorax, respiratory failure, and even life-threatening; growth and development disorders, obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic pulmonary heart disease, missed work and miss study affect children’s mental development, asthma is poorly controlled, and the accumulated inflammation can cause permanent damage to the respiratory tract, seriously affecting the patient Lung function and future life. Therefore, the control of asthma inflammation is the most important, which requires daily use of asthma control drugs to curb the deterioration of asthma. 6. What should I do if I have asthma? 1. Western medicine inhalation therapy In 1994, the World Health Organization formulated a global strategy for asthma management and prevention, namely the Global Asthma Prevention and Treatment Initiative-GINA. The global asthma academic community unanimously recommends inhalation therapy. Every patient should carry a bronchodilator (Trone) with them in case of emergency. It is necessary to persist in inhaling corticosteroids (Seretide, fix done, and be done) every day for anti-inflammatory. Inhaled corticosteroids can solve the fundamental problem of asthma. Asthma is a chronic disease of the airway. Like other chronic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension, asthma also requires long-term medication control. Why advocate inhalation therapy? Compared with oral administration, inhalation therapy has the following advantages. The medicine can reach the lungs. 4. Small dosage, fast action, high safety, and good curative effect. 2. Chinese medicine treatment Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is the source of sputum, the lung is the organ for sputum storage, and the kidney is the main source One of the functions is to receive qi. Therefore, the lung, spleen, and kidney function are imbalanced, and asthma can occur. In the treatment, the lung, spleen, and kidney functions are also regulated. When there is no seizure, strengthening the body is the first, that is, to supplement the law; when the seizure is the main attack, that is, to reduce the law. Specifically, you need to ask a Chinese physician for syndrome differentiation and treatment. 7. What is the relationship between allergic rhinitis and asthma? Allergic rhinitis is manifested as itchy nose and eyes, sneezing, nasal congestion, and watery nasal discharge. Statistics show that among patients with bronchial asthma, about 56%-74% have allergic rhinitis, and the incidence of bronchial asthma in patients with allergic rhinitis is greater than 60%. It can be seen that the relationship between allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma is relatively close, and allergic rhinitis should be actively prevented and treated to reduce the incidence of bronchial asthma. Eight|Can asthma attacks be prevented? The precautionary principles are 1. Look for predisposing factors: minimize the chance of triggering an asthma attack. 2. Enhance immunity and physique 5 (1) Medical physical exercise (before various exercises, a small number of bronchodilator drugs can be used to prevent asthma attacks) (2) Lifestyle (keep a happy mood) (3) Drug prevention ( Use regularly) Specific prevention methods: 1. Avoid allergens. Common allergens include wind pollen (medium tree, castor, wormwood, etc.), mould spores, house dust, certain productive dust (such as cotton dust, silk moth dust, yam powder, certain detergents and certain Stimulating gases and drugs from chemical plants), etc. The room should be ventilated on time, the light should be sufficient, and the temperature should be appropriate. When cleaning the bedding and cleaning and spraying alcohol and insecticides, ensure that the patient leaves the scene, quit smoking, etc. to prevent air pollution 2. Pay attention to summer treatment. From the small summer to the beginning of autumn, it is called "Fuxia" or "Dogtian", which is the time when the temperature is the highest throughout the year and the sun is the strongest. "Spring and summer nourish yang", treatment at this time can enrich the patient's yang energy and enhance disease resistance. 3. Pleasant emotions. Many clinical data indicate that 30% of -70% of asthma is induced by emotional factors. Emotional triggers mainly include excessive tension and anxiety, especially worry, grievance and anger. Although these are not the primary causes of asthma, they can affect the number of attacks and the condition. Therefore, patients with asthma should be happy, open-minded, and avoid emotional stimulation to avoid recurrence. 4. Pay attention to diet and recuperation. Avoid eating foods that can induce asthma, such as crabs, shrimp, and milk. Eating should not be too sweet (such as chocolate), too greasy (such as animal fat), not too aggressive (such as cold ice cream, spicy, wine, strong tea, etc.). Vegetables such as radish, loofah, and canavalinus can not only supplement a variety of vitamins and inorganic salts, but also have the effects of expelling wind, lowering qi, and reducing phlegm, which is beneficial to prevent asthma attacks. To prevent vegetable food from getting colder, add a proper amount of ginger when cooking. Eating a certain amount of pears, citrus, loquat, walnut kernels, bananas, sesame seeds, honey, etc. can help smooth stools, reduce abdominal pressure, and prevent asthma attacks. 6 It is necessary to pay attention to prohibit smoking and alcohol, quit smoking and more tea. Because smoking can cause increased secretions in the respiratory tract, reflex bronchospasm, and difficulty in expectoration, it is conducive to the growth and reproduction of viruses and bacteria and makes chronic bronchitis worse. Tea contains theophylline, which can excite the sympathetic nerves, dilate the bronchi and reduce the symptoms of cough and asthma.

5. Avoid fatigue. Because of overwork, it will consume righteous qi, damage the internal organs, cause low resistance, and become a trigger for asthma attacks. 6. Insist on proper exercise. You can choose medical exercises, Tai Chi, Wu Qin Xi and other items according to your physical fitness to improve the body's disease resistance. The amount of activity should be no obvious shortness of breath, accelerated heartbeat, and excessive fatigue. Physical exercise should pay attention to gradual and orderly progress, and do what you can Prevent overwork, such as walking, Tai Chi, etc. Studies have shown that exercises of less than 5 minutes are less likely to cause asthma attacks, and 5-10 minutes of vigorous exercise can cause asthma attacks. 7. Establish a good doctor-patient relationship. As a chronic disease, long-term treatment is imperative for asthma. Strengthening the communication and exchanges between doctors and patients can make the disease of asthma patients better controlled. Only with good treatment and complete control can patients be more confident in overcoming asthma

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